Thursday, September 8, 2016

09/07/16   Ofc. Connolly
0700 hours:  Shift change.  Report to duty with FD Lt. Wallace
0730 hours: Special Attention to Welch St lot.
0740 hours: Vehicle maintenance and inspection
0800 hours: met ferry
0900 hours: Assisted radio tech workers with transport
0930 hours: met ferry
1030 hours: met ferry
1320 hours: Special Attention to Battery Steele
1430 hours: met ferry
1530 hours: met ferry
1600 hours: Assisted citizen with custody complaint
1645 hours: met ferry
1930 hours: met ferry
2030 hours: met ferry
0600 hours: Medical call on Island Ave.  Party refused transport.
Please make sure your dog is licensed and up to date with it's vaccinations.