Monday, November 9, 2015

11/08/15   Ofc. Connolly






Date November 8, 2015      Officer Connolly


0700 hours: Shift change.  Report to duty with FF Lt. Wallace

0740 hours: patrolled island

0800 hours: met ferry

0830 hours: patrolled island

0945 hours: met ferry

1000 hours: special attention to Welch St. Parking lot

1030 hours: patrolled island

1100 hours: met ferry

1130 hours: patrolled island

1430 hours: met ferry

1440 hours: patrolled island

1645 hours: met ferry

1700 hours: patrolled island

1930 hours: met ferry

2000 hours: patrolled island

2030 hours: met ferry

2100 hours: Responded to Island Ave. for a medical call.  Party transported.

2130 hours: met ferry

2140 hours: patrolled island

-Here are a few safety tips for burns: Small burns should be washed with soap and water and covered with a clean, dry dressing. Large burns should be covered with a sheet or towel.  Do not use ointments or home remedies-this will make it harder to evaluate and treat the burn.  Do not break blisters; blisters serve as a protection for the wound.  Stay safe.