Monday, July 21, 2014

 07-20-2014      Ofc. T. OConnor
0700-arrived on the island
0745-met the ferry,patrolled around the island
0915-met the ferry, checked the community center
1015-met the ferry, checked the area around DPW
1115-met the ferry, patrolled the area around the school
1215-met the ferry found lost dog..returned to owner
1415-met the ferry, gave special attention to Jones Landing
1515-met the ferry, patrolled around the island
1630-met the ferry, patrolled
1735-met the ferry, gave special attention to Welch St.
1915-met the ferry, patrolled around the island
2015-met the ferry, checked the Lions Club
2115-met the ferry, checked the community center
2230-met the ferry, patrolled

Tip of the day..while driving around in the bed of a pick up truck or in the back of a golf cart you can not ride around standing up on the vehicle.!!!