Monday, August 27, 2012

Peaks Island 8-24-2012  Officer O'Connor

1430- arrived on the island

1500- checked the ferry

1600- checked the ferry, checked the community center

1700 checked the ferry

1800- checked the ferry, 3 year old bit by a dog island ave at new island

1900- checked the ferry, patrolled

2000- kids playing with a sling shot by the boat landing

2100- 911 hang up call, 909 Seashore ave.

2230 - checked the ferry, shift change
Health Tip of the Week
Dental Health for Infants

Infants should see a dentist by age one-year old for an oral screening to be sure there are no problems. Good oral health depends on parents knowing how to take care of their young children’s teeth. A baby never should be put to bed with a bottle. If an infant has already developed this habit, then put only plain water in the bottle and end the habit quickly. Sippy cups should be used only at meal times and not carried around. When teeth are constantly bathed in liquids that contain sugar in them (juice, milk etc.), then tooth decay can develop quickly.
Source: Northeast Delta Dental