Thursday, December 22, 2011

12/21/2011 Officer Cynthia Taylor 
0700-Arrived on Island
0715-spoke with several Islanders about events happening in the last week
0730-routine gear check
0755-called DPW to notify for need of salt/sand
0800-met ferry and dropped off firefighter partner-(notified dispatch I was solo until Firefighter arrives later in shift) continued to try to reach DPW for road/sidewalk maintenance and directed pedestrians headed to boat from sidewalks to middle of street where CBL had put down some salt/sand on ice
DPW took care of hills and sidewalks as well as the general vicinity of Elementary School.
0825-Patrolled area of school-also spoke to the owner of a Subaru that was tagged for being unregistered. She was headed to City Hall to get it registered.
0935-went to meet ferry. Spoke with several Islanders on the way to Welch Street. Directed pedestrians to stay to sanded/salted surfaces.
1000-patrolled Island. Again stopped and spoke with several residents while patrolling.
1020-online training-phone call, wrong number listed in phone book--our phone number is listed as the "information line" 
1030-went to pickup Firefighter @ Public Float
1035-patrolled Island and checked on construction sites-New Island Ave, Seashore @ Maple St and (lower)Island Ave.
1100-met ferry
1200-phone call-another wrong number looking for "information line"
1215-headed down to meet ferry. Spoke with Islanders meeting the ferry.
1300-online training
1330-spoke with owner of vehicle on Luther St-their vehicle is being registered today-it was also tagged for being unregistered.
1430-met the ferry
1445-patrolled the Island-stopped @ construction site at Seashore @ Maple.
1530-went to meet ferry-spoke with DPW Supervisor about winter storm plans.
1645-met ferry
1745-met ferry-spoke with Islander concerned about unregistered vehicles and asked if we are taking action on them. Explained that several vehicles had been identified and owners notified that they need to register the vehicles. Many owners made contact with me today to confirm that they have registered their vehicles.
1807-spoke with Islander-he reports that he got the notice to register his vehicle- he states that his vehicle is registered w/Island Tags-(not visible with old expired plate)-expired plate removed and Island tags are prominently displayed.
1930-met ferry
2030-met ferry. Spoke with Island resident. She expressed her frustration at the limited number of handicapped parking spaces available. She was hoping that we could speak with other Islanders parking in Handicapped spots that didn't appear to be handicapped. She states that they have a handicap placard, but she believes several of the placards being used may possibly belong to family members who are off Island. I explained that if someone has a valid placard visible, I cannot confront them on their handicapped status and demand proof of a disability. We will continue to monitor the parking lot and ticket appropriately.
2145-met ferry-patrolled island
2245-met ferry
In between we checked the fire trucks and ambulance and cleaned the living quarters.